Our center has received accreditation from Pearson BTEC for the National Higher Diploma (Accreditation Number: 91667), recognized in Britain and globally.
We are the best academy in Turkey, Istanbul, for studying BTEC Level 3.
Our institution proudly offers a comprehensive program under the BTEC Level 3 qualification, recognized as equivalent to the UK baccalaureate academic hierarchy (Year 11 + Year 12), thereby qualifying graduates for university study.
This program lays a strong foundation for progression to higher qualifications across various specializations, notably in engineering and business fields.
Level 3
In UK and International
6 Months, 360 Hours
Fully Accredited
60 Credit
Issuance by the UK Council Pearson, ensuring wide recognition across numerous countries.
Acceptance by 1,371 universities worldwide.
Recognition equivalent to a high school baccalaureate in Turkey, Europe, and several countries including Iraq, Libya, Algeria, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Egypt, and the Gulf states
The diploma caters to:
Our center has received accreditation from Pearson BTEC for the National Higher Diploma (Accreditation Number: 91667), recognized in Britain and globally.
Courses are offered in both English and Arabic, with the language of instruction and assessment indicated on the final certificate
Programs are available at ABChorizon Turkey Istanbul, our various global branches, or online,
أكاديميتنا في إسطنبول، تركيا، معتمدة من قبل جامعات تركية وبريطانية، بالإضافة إلى العديد من الجامعات الدولية الأخرى. نحن متخصصون في دراسة علوم الحاسوب وإدارة الأعمال، ونقدم شهادات معترف بها دوليًا.
بالإضافة لمنح شهادات الثانوية العامة البريطانية المعترف عليها عالمياً وتحديداً في الأردن والعراق
بإمكان طلابنا
يومياً من الساعة التاسعة صباحاً حتى ال6 مساءً
فريق الاستشارات التعليمية لدينا جاهز دائمًا لتقديم الدعم المجاني والمستمر لك.