The economic and administrative literature has begun to abound with a set of modern concepts nearly two decades ago, and in its entirety reflected the profound structural changes in the world and a broader intellectual transformation. Today we have come up with new terms such as professional ethics, ethics within the institution, and management ethics, they are terms and concepts that were not widely used in previous years, but today we find them getting more and more important day after day.
The term ethics may sound strange in the world of economics, administration, and business, but considering that regulation is a medium in which people (workers) meet, and through which people (the public or clients) are met, it will thus be a social medium with distinction, which is what made science The business meeting appears strongly, and it is one of the most important sciences that relate to organizations, labor activities, finance and business.
Institutions today are forced to conduct their affairs in accordance with moral visions and to reshape their culture according to the concept of organizational ethics, based on an institutional reality imposed by the contemporary style in management, and I will address with you on this subject for several points related to the topic of ethics within business organizations and its relationship to entrepreneurship and is there really a relationship Between ethics and entrepreneurship in its broad sense.
Controlling the concept of work ethics
In conceptual and idiomatic terms, the term, work ethics is a partnership between two worlds, the first is ethics and it is one of the fields of psychology and sociology, and the second word is work which is the group of activities that individuals perform in specific contexts for a specific fee, but what we aim at is to define a definition The term is fully and uniformly considered, which is considered today a terminology of sociology of work, and in fact, the definition of this concept is very difficult to link with the standards and principles governing the behavior of individuals in different environments.
According to Pride William, work ethics is only the application of individual ethical standards in different business situations, and this simplified definition includes an indication that ethical standards in business are related to an individual’s ethical standards.
In another context, others believe that business ethics are a set of principles and causes that cover the behavior of business organizations, both individually and collectively. This definition indicates that business ethics are a set of principles and foundations that govern the behavior of organizations and that they must consider when making decisions.
There are many concepts, especially those that relate to two separate aspects. Therefore, the concept of work ethics is a concept that receives many definitions because of its connection with sociology and economics.
What are the sources of work ethics?
The ethics within the organization of work are formed based on a set of different sources that meet with each other forming a social-ethical pattern within the walls of the organization, and we must take into account that the human resource within the organization and the surrounding societies is the reason for the emergence of ethics within the organization because if we have changed the human element, so there will be no morals between walls or machines, and in reality, these ethics can limit their sources to these points:
The individual (personal morals):
Whether the manager or employee is the basis for ethical behavior within the organization, this individual will inevitably be affected by a set of factors, some of which are related to his personal formation or his value system, while others are linked to other factors such as religion and family.
Business Institution:
The institution of work is the main influencer and influenced by the ethical or immoral behavior practiced by individuals in it, it refers to a set of principles, ethics and reward systems that work to formulate work ethics, and that will guide behavior in a particular direction. Each system of institutions has a special effect that controls The trend that reinforces or weakens work with business ethics.
External environment:
As the institution is a society that includes individuals and groups that communicate with each other in a specific context, this social grouping, and internal relations also has external relationships that control a certain percentage in the formulation of work ethics, and there is a set of influencing external factors that are closely related to three main points:
Government legislation and laws:
No institution deviates from governmental legal controls, policies, or policies until its activity is a legitimate project of governmental authority, and this comes in the external moral context because any organization that activates outside the framework of governmental organizations, is directly going to be illegal and illegal.
Social customs and traditions:
It is a mixture of social customs and traditions and norms that intertwined with each other and gained legal support, which became a constant source in controlling the work ethics of individuals, and became a social model in creating behavior within the organization.
Lobby and lobby groups:
The conglomerates and lobbies surrounding regulation may on many occasions have a direct external influence on the formulation of work ethics. Trade unions and consumer protection organizations … are conglomerates that require regulation to regulate behaviors, and are therefore directly related to the formulation of these ethics.
What is the link between ethics and business organizations?
The reason behind the existence of any organization is the production of a good or service, and we mean by the commodity those physical outputs, while the service means those moral outputs, these products will be provided in all cases to the recipients and who are scientifically called the term customer; and for the institution, there is what is known as the moral pillars and we can We summarize it as follows:
Product or service design field:
This requires putting the product in a form that meets the needs of customers. The organization in its manufacture of this product is forced to focus on the materials formed for it and attention to fine details, such as processing the raw materials, attention to quality, and more than that concern for the safety and satisfaction of customers.
The area of interest in the production headquarters:
There are many decisions in this context that should be based heavily on ethics because the control of the place of production has ethical characteristics that must be based on:
-The total availability of the means of protection and matters related to the safety of workers and employees, because the worker must be active in an environment that is conducive to professional activity.
– Disposal of work waste and waste resulting from production, for factories, there will be chemical waste, while the waste in departments will be expired papers and documents, and this is an example of the waste formed within the work environment, and from professional ethics formulate mechanisms to control its disposal, because the formula says Wherever there is work, there are waste.
– It is of professional ethics, the most important of which is the topic of controlling time and the size of the work seeking, in addition to the distribution of roles in view of the effort and training, and the issue of vacations is extremely important in the conduct of the organization and is among the ethics that if not present in the organization, the work becomes complicated.
Do professional ethics have laws that govern them?
People have paid attention to work ethics with the development of work itself. With the development of workers’ thought and the emergence of trade and professional unions, the issue of ethics in work organizations has become more important and more present within these institutions, and as entrepreneurship is one of the organizational activities that in turn are subject to the authority of governmental and international law, they So concerned with this topic.
Although there are differences in these laws from one country to another, they all ultimately flow to the same topic, and since the eight-hour system of work was inserted under the slogan “eight hours of work, eight hours of rest and enjoyment, and eight hours of sleep” in 1886, it became the topic of ethics at work is crystallizing more quickly until it has been taken up by sociologists on the one hand and by human rights organizations within or from international countries, thus becoming a global topic.
The topic of work ethics is one of the most important topics around which a lot of ink has been spilled, about which critical opinions of social theorists and social psychologists have conflicted. The activity of organizing work will be encapsulated in ethical principles and will be based on it, because it is not possible, as we have pointed out, that we marginalize ethics from organizations or institutions, Even without intending to find yourself as an entrepreneur forced to honesty, honesty and good dealing with clients, you will also take into account the conditions of your workers and you will be the owner of a pioneering activity within the framework of the law, and these are all things that are based on ethics but are in themselves professional ethics that cannot be marginalized.