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Turkish Excellence Scholarship for Iraqi students to complete their university studies in Istanbul

Turkish Excellence Scholarship for Iraqi students to complete their university studies in Istanbul

ABChorizon College is launching British BTEC scholarships here in Istanbul educational grants to support a conscious and superior Iraqi generation in British international programs, in addition to the English and Turkish languages.

This scholarship supports the education of Iraqi students with or without middle school education – it will also include the British Baccalaureate BTEC Level 3.

It covers 75 university seats, 15 seats are distinguished by a full scholarship, while the rest of the study seats are covered by a partial scholarship of 50% distributed over all programs. The first section of grants will be accepted for the first semester of 2019, where students will join their programs in the first week of October 2019.

As for the second section of scholarships, it will be presented for the second semester of 2020, where students will enroll in their programs at the beginning of May 2020.

There are 5 episodes of these grants, targeting a variety of Iraqi youth

The first cycle: Scholarships for a higher diploma program for students who have at least a sixth preparatory degree.

This cycle covers:

The first level of university education (the first two years of the university and the equivalent of a higher diploma), after which the student has the right – if they want to complete the bachelor’s degree – to complete the third and fourth years in a British or Turkish university or any university in the world.

Pearson BTEC British National Higher Diploma in two majors:

1- The British Higher Diploma in Business Administration.

For more details about this program, please visit our page by clicking on the link.

2- Higher diploma in Computer Science.

For more details about this program, please visit our page by clicking on the link.

As these two specializations target 60% of the job opportunities currently in the labor market in Turkey and Europe.

Academically, students are admitted in this cycle are:

1- those who possess the Iraqi bachelor diploma (the sixth preparatory degree, scientific, literary, commercial, industrial, and arts) or the equivalent of the various university admission certificates in Britain.

2– Their age does not exceed 24 years

The duration of the study in this cycle is two years 24 months, while the language of study in the program is based on the English language and supported by the Arabic language.

The scholarships in this cycle include the full (100%) and partial (50%) scholarships. 

The second cycle: the scholarship of the British Baccalaureate,

specialization in Applied Sciences (scientific) for students who have at least a third middle degree.

This cycle is a unique opportunity for students who didn’t obtain a baccalaureate degree for any reason, and they have the desire to complete their studies at universities around the world, including Iraq, in scientific specializations (medicine, engineering and many others).

This cycle covers:

BTEC Level 3 in Applied Science Diploma Program

The sixth preparatory scientific baccalaureate degree, is recognized all over the world, including Iraq.

The duration of study in this program is fourteen months, full-time, and covers 12 educational courses specialized in applied sciences.

As for the language of study in the program, is based on the English language and supported by the Arabic language.

For more details about this program, please visit our page by clicking on the link.

Academically, students are admitted in this cycle are:

1- those who possess at least a middle school degree (ninth).

2- Their age does not exceed 22 years.

Students who have completed this stage can be transferred and admitted at university to the first cycle and complete their university studies until they obtain a BA in ABC Horizon or go to universities around the world in any major.

The scholarships in this cycle include the full (100%) and partial (50%) scholarships.

The third cycle: Scholarships for the Master of Business Administration program (Strategic Management and Leadership) for students who have at least a BA in any major.

The third round of the scholarships is distinguished for being directed to students of higher education with a master’s degree, equivalent to the seventh level of the advanced post-bachelor’s diploma programs accredited by Pearson BTEC.

This course includes a master’s degree in strategic management and leadership. This program allows you to develop your skills in strategic planning, leadership management and other skills.

For more details about this program, please visit our page by clicking on the link.

Academically, students are admitted in this circle, are:

1- Holders of a bachelor’s degree or those who possess a higher institute degree with a requirement of 5 years of experience.

2- Their age does not exceed 35 years.

The duration of the study for the master’s program is one and a half years, and the language of the study is based on the English language and supported in the Arabic language. The scholarships in this cycle include full (100%) and partial (50%) grants.

The fourth cycle: The scholarship of the English language

The scholarship covers five levels of English language up to the TOEFL or equivalent international exams.

Duration of the scholarship: one academic year (maximum)

Level duration: a month and a half.

Number of hours per level: 90 hours.

Skills included in each level: reading, writing, speaking and listening, in addition to vocabulary and grammar.

Registration mechanism and conditions:

  • • The trainee is subjected to an online placement test and accordingly, the level and length of study are determined.

    • Registration is done by correspondence and admittance of the student, and then they join the program upon their arrival in Istanbul according to the academic plan for ABChorizon Academy.

    Minimum age for admission of trainees: 18 years.

    • The scholarship does not include the price of the books.

    The scholarships in this cycle include the full (100%) and partial (50%) scholarships.

The fifth cycle: scholarship of the Turkish language

The scholarship covers five levels of Turkish language up to Tomer.

Duration of the scholarship: one academic year (maximum)

Level duration: a month and a half.

Number of hours per level: 90 hours.

Skills included in each level: reading, writing, speaking and listening, in addition to vocabulary and grammar.

Registration mechanism and conditions:

  • The trainee is subjected to an online placement test and accordingly, the level and length of study are determined.

    • Registration is done through correspondence and admittance of the student, and then he / she joins the program upon arrival in Istanbul, according to the ABChorizon academic plan.

    Minimum age for admission of trainees: 18 years.

    • The scholarship does not include the price of the books.

    • Grants in this cycle include full (100%) and partial (50%) grants.

Progress criteria:

Nationality: The student must be Iraqi.

Gender: female and male.

Place of residence: You can apply if you hold an Iraqi passport, regardless of your current residence

Frequently asked questions


If my scholarship is 100% complete, are there tuition fees that I will have to pay for my studies after that?

No, all registration fees, study fees, and preparatory school fees in English are free of charge.

The scholarship does not cover living, travel, visa or books costs. It only covers the tuition costs.

If my scholarship is 50% full, are there tuition fees that I will have to pay for my studies?

Yes, this scholarship includes half of the costs of registration fees, tuition fees and preparatory stage fees in the English language.

Does the scholarship include the cost of flying, traveling, living and housing in Istanbul?

No. But we help you secure student housing close to the university’s campus, the costs of which are reasonable.

Can you help me secure a job during my studies?

Yes, we have public relations with local companies, but there is no sure guarantee for that.

Am I admitted to study a master’s degree regardless of my major in the university’s bachelor’s degree (medicine, engineering, literature… …)?

Yes, the Master of Business Administration degree does not require any bachelor’s degree.

Can I complete the registration process after receiving the scholarship remotely without having to come to Istanbul?

Yes, registration process is done remotely. We have a remote study system that uses an electronic platform with very high performance and intelligence … It eliminates 90% of your presence skills <> that allows you to:

1- Attending lectures and participating in them live and interacting with the teacher, question and answer.

2- Download the lecture if it is late.

3- Download all curricula, books and references thereof.

4- Communicating with doctors outside the lectures’ hours.

5- Discussing projects and examinations can also be online.


Stay in touch with our page on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. It will be announced two weeks after the end of the scholarship registration.

Just select “See First” from “Following” options.


For inquiries, you can contact the Registration and Admission Department via WhatsApp on:

00905530598253: WhatsApp

You can also communicate directly via the following link:


كما يمكنكم التواصل مباشرة عبر الرابط التالي:


عزيزي الطالب في حال أتممت تعبئة طلبك بنجاح، لا داع للتواصل معنا للتأكد من استلام طلبك، لأنه سيتم التواصل معك خلال 48 ساعة من إرسال طلبك.

للتقدم للمنحة يرجى تعبئة استمارة طل


Dear student, if you complete your application successfully, there is no need to contact us to make sure that your application has been received, because you will be contacted within 48 hours of sending your application.

To apply for the scholarship, please fill out the scholarship application form below, noting that any duplication of information or sending the application more than once will lose your right to receive the scholarship.

* Application has ended, good luck *
