In the shadow of the grinding business world, how are ethics related to work?

  The economic and administrative literature has begun to abound with a set of modern concepts nearly two decades ago, and in its entirety reflected the profound structural changes in the world and a broader intellectual transformation. Today we have come up with new terms such as professional ethics, ethics within the institution, and management […]

Top 10 WhatsApp Font Tricks That You Should Know

Even though WhatsApp supports voice and video calls, texting remains its core functionality. Be it Good Morning wishes, jokes, forwards, or important messages — people prefer to send them over text. And what better way to make them more powerful by using the text formatting?   No, we are not talking about modifying the text in WhatsApp Status, […]

How to Manage Your Time in College

  With a lot of daily responsibilities, college students typically have issues with time management. Some of them struggle with scheduling and prioritizing their tasks, and others are easily tempted by distractions. But time management skills are one of the key determinants of being successful academically and personally. Here are some effective time management strategies […]

MBA Scholarship 2020

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] منحة ماجستير إدارة الأعمال 2020 ? التقديم متاح فقط حتى تاريخ January كانون الثاني القادم 2020   ✅ إذا كنت من الطلاب الحاصلين على شهادة البكالوريوس بمعدل 70 % فما فوق ✅ و مستواك في اللغة الإنكليزية intermediate/ B1 فما فوق ?? ✅ و عمرك بين 22 – 40 سنة. ?هذا الإعلان لك ? […]

منحة اسطنبول 2019

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] منحة اسطنبول التركية للطلاب العرب  لإكمال دراستهم الجامعية في إسطنبول تطلق جامعة أوربا للتعليم المهني العالي بالتعاون مع  أكاديمية ABC horizon College منحاً خاصة بالطلاب العرب للدراسة هنا في إسطنبول . منح تعليمية لدعم جيل عربي واعي ومتفوق في البرامج التركية و باللغة التركية. تدعم هذه المنحة تعليم الطلبة العرب الحاصلين على شهادة الثانوية […]

Effective Ways to Build Entrepreneurial Skills That Matter

Becoming your own boss and an entrepreneur is the new coveted career choice of the 21st century. People are fed up with working jobs that leave them underpaid and unfulfilled. Although some entrepreneurs say they were born to build a company, it’s never been easier for anyone to learn entrepreneur skills that can propel them […]
